Specialized Triple wall packing
Pronk provides a wide range of corrugated packaging materials from single wall, double wall and triple wall. Using the strongest papers and specialised processes it produces the highest quality corrugated packaging designed to meet the requirements for warehouse and export packaging.
Environmentally Friendly
This environment-friendly material is being made from paper. All the paper comes from Sustainably managed forests and has particular value in the paper fibre cycle because of its long, virgin fibres which are the foundations of recycled paper.
- Innovative design process focused on reducing overall supply chain costs.
- Excellent strength properties even in prolonged high moisture conditions such as in containers.
- The product gets good cushioning, insulation from shock & vibration.
- Does not sweat and hence no corrosion to inside Product.
- Light weight material can increase the net product weight shipped in an ocean container.
- Market leading design technology reduces space occupied by the packaging increasing the container utilisation
- Triple wall Board is Weather resistant from direct contact with water and sunlight.
- Occupies less space (collapsible form). Also, less packing area means more space for production.
- Long storage duration.
- No dust/Nailing. Feasible for online packing in a clean room.
- Can be produced to any shape and Size.
- Easier to Recycle/Reuse.
- Can be designed for reusable applications or single trip.